Simply fortran graphics examples
Simply fortran graphics examples

  1. #Simply fortran graphics examples how to
  2. #Simply fortran graphics examples pdf
  3. #Simply fortran graphics examples generator
  4. #Simply fortran graphics examples code
  5. #Simply fortran graphics examples license

#Simply fortran graphics examples code

Validate Credit-Debit card number program - Fortran code to Validate Credit/Debit card number program.Time In Words - Program displays time in words.SVD - Program computes the matrix singular value decomposition.Quartiles - Calculating Quartiles in Fortran in 3 different method.happy_new_year - Write happy new year and example of transfer.what - The what(1) command re-implemented in Fortran.writegif - writes an image into a GIF file.ufpp - a Fortran pre-processor written in Fortran.f_uname - call uname(3c) using ISO_C_BINDING and a C procedure.use_test - an example of nested use statements.transfer_ex - example of the transfer intrinsic.ttee - a “timed tee” – write stdout to stdin and another file with an optional date/time prefix.tostring(3f) - example of polymorphic class converts values to a string.swap - example of using unlimited polymorphic variables to make a generic swap routine.strtok(3f) - read tokens from a line in a manner similar to the C routine strtok.strnum - example illustrating conversion of numeric values to strings and vice-versa.

simply fortran graphics examples

  • stderr(3f) - example of writing to “stderr”.
  • spoiler - encode and decode messages trivially encrypted with the ROT13 algorithm.
  • scramble(3f) - example of permuting a list.
  • regex_module - Interface to POSIX regex routines.
  • readline - example that reads a line of arbitrary length.
  • simply fortran graphics examples

  • qsort_inline - a fast inline quick+insertion sort.
  • proc_component_example - procedure component example.
  • iso_readline(3f) - calling the GNU C routine readline(3c) using the Fortran 2003 iso_c_binding module.
  • pointer_example - an example of pointer usage.
  • opover - simple example of operator overload.
  • newunit - Joe’s find unused file unit number.
  • notopen(3f) - find unused file unit number.
  • notab(3f) - expand tab characters in input lines.
  • mm_ioutils - a library for easier I/O in Fortran.
  • m_system - a module that allows calling many of the C POSIX procedures via the ISO_C_BINDING intrinsic module.
  • m_strings - a module for manipulating and formatting strings.
  • m_process - a module for calling popen(3c) using the intrinsic ISO_C_BINDING module.
  • M_color - simple conversions between common color models.
  • namelist_prompter - read values by name interactively using NAMELIST.
  • get_namelist - read command line arguments using NAMELIST.
  • kracken - a module for cracking command line arguments.
  • #Simply fortran graphics examples generator

  • kiss64 - a 64-bit random number generator by George Marsaglia.
  • interpolation - functions for numerical interpolation of arrays.
  • internalproc - internal procedure example.
  • interface_mod - an example of defining interfaces in a module.
  • integration - functions for numerical integration of arrays.
  • init_seed - random number generator seeding example.
  • hash value example - an example implementation generating a hash value (a CRC-32 value is calculated for a list of files).
  • hash table example - an example implementation of hash tables.
  • getvals - read an arbitrary number of numeric values from a line.
  • getopt_long_module - Fortran equivalent of C getopt_long.
  • simply fortran graphics examples

    gen_list - a generic linked list example.File_Name_Generator - to whom bothering building a file name string with integer or using internal write.fdate - example use of date_and_time(3f).extend_dble example of extending a function (in this case, the intrinsic DBLE()).expand - expand C-like escape sequences in a string.differentiation - functions for numerical differentiation of arrays.d2u(1f) - example of stream I/O this program converts clear ASCII text files between Unix and DOS line terminator conventions.c_interface_module - supplemental types and functions for ISO-C-Binding.

    #Simply fortran graphics examples pdf

  • asa2pdf - convert files using ASA carriage control to an Adobe PDF.
  • #Simply fortran graphics examples how to

  • ansi_colors - simple module illustrating how to produce ANSI color escape codes for terminal output.
  • allocate_coin_toss - dynamic memory allocation example.
  • See the HowTo and existing pages such as hello for examples. To contribute Fortran source code, add a link here to the filename, program, or module name, and create the new page by pasting the code, wrapping it in a fenced code block with a language keyword. Other common licenses are the BSD, MIT, and GPL licenses. All code on the Fortran Wiki shall be in the public domain unless otherwise noted.

    #Simply fortran graphics examples license

    When contributing code, please specify a license so that others know the extent to which they may use and modify your code.

    Simply fortran graphics examples